Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)  Statement


Spiritual Development – Through the school’s collective worship assemblies and PSHCE lessons the pupils have gained a deeper insight into their own and other peoples feelings and values. Our knowledge based and hands on curriculum encourages a sense of wonder about themselves, others and the world around them. In RE lessons the children learn about their own beliefs and those of other religions. The children learn how to respect and tolerate other peoples beliefs and feelings, promoting British values.  There is a central, reflective display for the children to reflect on issues affecting themselves and others.

Moral Development – Through various PSHE lessons the children have opportunities to recognise the difference between right and wrong and apply this to their own lives and the lives of others. In their Class Council discussions and debates everybody has an opportunity to express their views and feelings, as well as listening to and responding to others.  The School Council, who are elected by the pupils, helps to voice the children’s opinions and discuss issues raised about school life. The School Council play a major role in enabling children to have a collective pupil voice in making positive changes to the school. In this way the children learn about democracy. The children also support charities and causes both close to home and further afield, developing their global citizenship understanding. All children participate in the National Anti-bullying Week activities. As an Eco school the well established Eco committee of elected children, parents and staff work hard to promote environmental awareness and responsibility. They promote the values of reduce, reuse and recycle through various Eco initiatives. 

Cultural Development – Children have a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures and backgrounds through curriculum work based on different environments around the world. The school is committed to fundraising for worthy charity causes locally, nationally and world wide such as Hello Yellow (mental health charity), Jeans for Genes, Children in Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief and more recently the DEC Ukraine appeal. Staff have also fund-raised in their spare time for Cancer Research UK by taking part in a sponsored bike ride, and the children in Year 6 also set up their own bake sale to raise funds for the same cause. Multicultural festivals are celebrated within the school during collective worships, and taking part in a zoom meeting from a Jewish synagogue. Children are provided with many opportunities to actively participate in a wide range of stimulating artistic, cultural and sporting experiences. We have a variety of dance, PE, music, art and drama specialists who come in and share their enthusiasm and expertise with the children. In this way the children learn about tolerance of other faiths and cultures, supporting their understanding of British values.  Opportunities for learning about British values is planned for and additional learning opportunities arising from current affairs are taken advantage of, for example celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, the King's coronation, taking part in UK Parliament week and learning about LGBTQ+ awareness.

Social Development – The school invites visitors from the wider community such as fire service, community police, road safety, bikeability, health service, church organisations (GenR8 and Raise kids). The children have been involved in various community projects such as planting bulbs and seeds donated by Morrisons. Through PSHCE and School and Class Council meetings, children are encouraged to develop strategies to promote healthy social relationships.  The school also provides a variety of opportunities for parents to get involved with the school and see what the children are learning, for example harvest festivals, nativities, carol singing and Easter services.

The school has recently purchased a new and exciting SMSC quality mark self review in our continued commitment to enhance and further develop SMSC throughout the school.

All schools in England must show how well their pupils develop in SMSC.

We have a display in the main hall to showcase some of the activities that we have taken part in.
