Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World


Our aim is to provide a PE curriculum that focuses on the whole child, improving their social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing through inspiring, interactive and inclusive opportunities.


At Ashwicken CE Primary School, we use the GetSet4PE scheme which teaches Fundamental Movements skills (agility, balance and co-ordination) alongside personal, social, cognitive, creative, physical and health and fitness skills from year 1 through to year 6 for 1 session a week.

In EYFS, the children are given lots of opportunity to practise the skills taught in PE and their fine and gross motor skills, by accessing their outdoor areas and by using a wide variety of sports equipment, including, balance bikes, balls, beanbags, hoops and apparatus.

In KS1 and KS2, the children are given a 2nd session of PE in a wide variety of physical activities, e,g. OAA, dance, gymnastics, invasion, striking and fielding games, forest school, swimming as well as Athletics, to practice, consolidate and evidence the skills taught in GetSet4PE.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Opportunities for inter-school competitions and festivals for all of our children to develop greater confidence, teamwork and to learn to win and lose with grace and sportsmanship.

Cross-curricular links and opportunities e.g. BBC Super Movers, Outdoor Learning

Celebration of sporting achievements, which are recognised in celebration assembly.

After school sports clubs.

Being exposed to and learning about worldwide sporting events, e.g. Rugby World Cup, The Olympics, The Paralympics and Wimbledon.

Links to local clubs in the area.


See subpages for further information regarding PE, health and wellbeing. 

