Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Remembrance 2023

This year, to celebrate Remembrance, the children took part in their own class collective worships which focused on the journey of a soldier through conflict. Each child decorated their own poppy and wrote words to describe soldiers in the middle, for example brave, hope, peace, sacrifice, harmony, selfless and remember. The poppies have been displayed throughout the school corridors and in the main Hall to help us remember.

Year 6 also took part in a Live Assembly by the National Literacy Trust, alongside many other children from schools all over the country. They looked at art work and listened to poems relating to remembrance. The children enjoyed it and found it very interesting.

Remembrance 2022


We have been learning all about why we commemorate Remembrance Day. We learned that during Remembrance people stop to remember those who have served and sacrificed, from armed forces and emergency services to civilians, whilst hoping for a peaceful future.

We have had the opportunity to join a national remembrance webinar where we learned about WW1 and why Remembrance began as well as what each of the coloured poppies represent. We found out that:

  • The red poppy is the most famous symbol used to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in World War One and conflicts that followed.
  • The purple poppy is often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war. Animals like horses, dogs and pigeons were often drafted into the war effort, and those that wear the purple poppy feel their service should be seen as equal to that of human service.
  • The Black Poppy Rose commemorates the contributions of black, African and Caribbean communities to the war effort - as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians.
  • They say that the white poppy commemorates people who died in conflict, but focuses on achieving peace and challenging the way we look at war.


Alongside this, we have had a visit from a serving member of the Royal Air Force, who explained what Remembrance means to the military of today and we have also worked in class to create our own poppies to make a poppy memorial in school.


